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English-Hindi > wickedness

wickedness meaning in Hindi

wickedness sentence in Hindi
1.The angry father is horrified at her wickedness and curses her .
क्रुद्ध पिता अपनी बेटी की करतूत पर हैरान है और उसे शाप देते हैं .

morally objectionable behavior
Synonyms: evil, immorality, iniquity,

the quality of being disgusting to the senses or emotions; "the vileness of his language surprised us"
Synonyms: loathsomeness, repulsiveness, sliminess, vileness, lousiness,

estrangement from god
Synonyms: sin, sinfulness,

the quality of being wicked
Synonyms: nefariousness, vileness, ugliness,

absence of moral or spiritual values; "the powers of darkness"
Synonyms: iniquity, darkness, dark,

How to say wickedness in Hindi and what is the meaning of wickedness in Hindi? wickedness Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.