English-Hindi > sin
sin meaning in Hindi
pronunciation: [ sin ] sound : verb past tense: sinned verb past participle: sinned noun plural: sins verb present participle: sinning
sin sentence in Hindi
Examples 1. If he passes beyond them he commits a sin . यदि वह उन सीमाओं का अतिक्रमण करता है तो उसे पाप लगता है . 2. The sins of past failures are already showing . पिछली नाकामियों के नतीजे पहले से ही दिख रहे हैं . 3. 7. Helping others is good deed, harming others is sin. 7. परोपकार पुण्य है दूसरों के कष्ट देना पाप है. 4. Doing good thing for others is noble task and giving others sorrow is sin. 7. परोपकार पुण्य है दूसरों के कष्ट देना पाप है. 5. Killing a cow is considered the biggest crime and sin . गौ-हत्या घोर पाप तथा अपराध माना जाता है . 6. Were caused by sin or foreigners or evil spirits. कि पाप से या फ़िर विदेशियों से, या बुरी आत्माओं से आती हैं। 7. It's a sin to come to any view of who you should talk to किसी से बात करके उसके बारे में दृष्टिकोण बनाना एक पाप है, 8. To neglect their maintenance would be a great sin . उनके भरण-पोषण की उपेक्षा पाप है . 9. He said, “Count it the greatest sin उन्होंने कहा था “यह सबसे बड़ा पाप है 10. On that day the people will get the return for their sin and virtue. उस दिन हर मनुषय को उसके अच्छे और बुरे कर्मों का फल दिया जाएगा।
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Meaning an act that is regarded by theologians as a transgression of God''s will Synonyms: sinning , violent and excited activity; "they began to fight like sin" Synonyms: hell , estrangement from god Synonyms: sinfulness , wickedness , the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet ratio of the length of the side opposite the given angle to the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle Synonyms: sine ,
How to say sin in Hindi and what is the meaning of sin in Hindi? sin Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.