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under meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'ʌndə ]  sound:  
under sentence in Hindi
1.Only for name sake this Provinces was under Abbaskingdom.
सिर्फ कहने को यह प्रदेश अब्बासियों के अधीन थे।

2.Longest period at a time : a little under two years .
जेल में एक बार ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा कोई दो साल रहा .

3.Many American learners studied under him.
अनेक अमेरिकन विद्वानों ने उनका शिष्यत्व ग्रहण किया।

4.Making it very dark and ominous standing under them.
बहुत ही अंधेरा और अजीब वातावरण होता है उनके नीचे

5.Of these 956 have been built, and 272 are under construction.
इनमें ९५६ बनी हुई हैं और २७२ निर्माणाधीन हैं।

6.Secondly, under the beef protocol of that agreement,
दूसरी तरफ, उसी समझौते के बीफ प्रोटोकॉल के अंतर्गत

7.Alone in India make under a dollar a day.
केवल भारत में ही प्रतिदिन एक डॉलर से नीचे कमाते हैं।

8.They function under his control and direction .
वे उसी के नियंत्रण में और निदेशाधीन कार्य करती हैं .

9.And he runs a blog under the popular Live Journal.
और वह लोकप्रिय लाइव जर्नल के तहत एक ब्लॉग चलाता है.

10.As hallucinogenic because by the time you're under the effects
करने वाले पदार्थों में वर्गीकृत नहीं कर पाए

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further down; "see under for further discussion"
Synonyms: below, below,

down below; "get under quickly!"

below the horizon; "the sun went under"

below some quantity or limit; "fifty dollars or under"

in or into a state of subordination or subjugation; "we must keep our disappointment under"

down to defeat, death, or ruin; "their competitors went under"

into unconsciousness; "this will put the patient under"

through a range downward; "children six and under will be admitted free"

further down; "see under for further discussion"
Synonyms: below, below,

down below; "get under quickly!"

below the horizon; "the sun went under"

below some quantity or limit; "fifty dollars or under"

in or into a state of subordination or subjugation; "we must keep our disappointment under"

down to defeat, death, or ruin; "their competitors went under"

into unconsciousness; "this will put the patient under"

through a range downward; "children six and under will be admitted free"

lower in rank, power, or authority; "an under secretary"

located below or beneath something else; "nether garments"; "the under parts of a machine"
Synonyms: nether,

How to say under in Hindi and what is the meaning of under in Hindi? under Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.