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nether meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'neðə ]  sound:  
nether sentence in Hindi
1.The idols have a cobra over their heads signifying Jain God Dharnenda , the lord of paataal -LRB- the nether world -RRB- .
इन मूर्तियों के ऊपर नाग है , जो पाताल लक के जैन देवता धर्णेंद का प्रतीक है .

2.So the poor cultivator , overwhelmed by the new conditions and pressed between the upper and nether mill-stone , the landlord and the money-lender , was reduced to appalling misery .
इस तरह गरीब किसान , नयी परिस्थितियों से घिरा हुआ और मिल के ऊपर और नीचे के पत्थर समान , मालगुजार और साहूकार के बीच दबा हुआ , भयानक संकट में पहुंच गया Zथा .

located below or beneath something else; "nether garments"; "the under parts of a machine"
Synonyms: under,

dwelling beneath the surface of the earth; "nether regions"
Synonyms: chthonian, chthonic,

lower; "gnawed his nether lip"

How to say nether in Hindi and what is the meaning of nether in Hindi? nether Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.