The idols have a cobra over their heads signifying Jain God Dharnenda , the lord of paataal -LRB- the nether world -RRB- . इन मूर्तियों के ऊपर नाग है , जो पाताल लक के जैन देवता धर्णेंद का प्रतीक है .
So the poor cultivator , overwhelmed by the new conditions and pressed between the upper and nether mill-stone , the landlord and the money-lender , was reduced to appalling misery . इस तरह गरीब किसान , नयी परिस्थितियों से घिरा हुआ और मिल के ऊपर और नीचे के पत्थर समान , मालगुजार और साहूकार के बीच दबा हुआ , भयानक संकट में पहुंच गया Zथा .
located below or beneath something else; "nether garments"; "the under parts of a machine" Synonyms: under,
dwelling beneath the surface of the earth; "nether regions" Synonyms: chthonian, chthonic,
How to say nether in Hindi and what is the meaning of nether in Hindi? nether Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by