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swaddle meaning in Hindi

swaddle sentence in Hindi
1.Mary has swaddled the Babe in cloth like her own skirt.

2.The babies are swaddled with a bottle propped in their mouths.

3.Become a wooly mountain man swaddled in lime-green fur.

4.God came hidden in human suffering; swaddled in human joy.

5.Weeping with eternal grief, she clutched a tightly swaddled infant.

6.On the other stool was Dinnerson himself, heavily swaddled.

7.Despite circumstances of her birth, her upbringing was anything but swaddled.

8.Nor swaddling clothes for a candidate without a blanket of his own.

9.Some fans wear Western clothes; others are swaddled in traditional garb.

10.The result looked like a whole fish swaddled in clay.

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wrap in swaddling clothes; "swaddled the infant"
Synonyms: swathe,

How to say swaddle in Hindi and what is the meaning of swaddle in Hindi? swaddle Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.