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sverige meaning in Hindi

sverige sentence in Hindi
1.Approximately 1000 songs were submitted to Sveriges Radio for the competition.

2.At the time he was interviewed in Damascus by Sveriges Radio.

3.Alice Babs was selected by Sveriges Radio to represent her country.

4.She has also in the mid 1990s worked for Sveriges Radio.

5.Reitan Servicehandel Sverige has held the license in Sweden since December 1997.

6.Carolina Nor�n is commentator on the event for Sveriges Radio.

7.It was also seen on Sveriges Television in an unknown time period.

8.The broadcasts were made by the public broadcaster Sveriges Radio.

9.Udd�n is currently the correspondent for Sveriges Radio in the Middle East.

10.Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti "'( Communist Party of Sweden ).

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How to say sverige in Hindi and what is the meaning of sverige in Hindi? sverige Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.