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English-Hindi > placating

placating meaning in Hindi

placating sentence in Hindi
1.He placates homeowners with more local aid to cities and towns.

2.Many of those fans are not placated by the NFL sideshows.

3.He had to be found guilty to placate the white population.

4.It seemed we were placating television rather than improving the game.

5.To placate the kids, Werder said sodas were handed out.

6.This amendment is designed to placate our so-called base,

7.In centuries past, doctors used placebos to placate problem patients.

8.These are people who are used to being consulted and placated.

9.The Clinton administration is making a concerted effort to placate protesters.

10.Such assurances fail to placate Wal-Mart's foes.

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How to say placating in Hindi and what is the meaning of placating in Hindi? placating Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.