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placard meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'plækɑ:d ]  sound:  
verb past tense: placarded   verb past participle: placarded   noun plural: placards   verb present participle: placarding   
placard sentence in Hindi
1.As the sun brightened, the number of political placards multiplied.

2."It's not like the balloons or placards.

3."Farewell, Daddy, " said one placard.

4.Of course, the cheering and placard-waving was orchestrated.

5.They held up placards of women naked and bound with rope.

6.The people carrying placards said a university should set higher standards.

7.They hold up a placard with the runner's name.

8.Store placards announce IMF going-out-of business sales.

9.Another man held a " Sack Finneran " placard.

10.They carried Mexican flags and placards criticizing the army high command.

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a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement; "a poster advertised the coming attractions"
Synonyms: poster, posting, notice, bill, card,

publicize or announce by placards
Synonyms: bill,

post in a public place

How to say placard in Hindi and what is the meaning of placard in Hindi? placard Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.