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फटाफट meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ fetaafet ]  sound:  
फटाफट sentence in Hindi
फटाफट meaning in English
1.I saw Marine Drive transformed with dazzling speed from its usual squalid state to a fine promenade worthy of the old sobriquet , Queen 's Necklace , by which it was known in better days .
मैंने देखा कि मरीन ड़्राइव में अक्सर रहने वाली गंदगी को फटाफट हटाकर उसे खूबसूरत सैरगाह में तदील कर दिया गया है , जिससे वह अपने पुराने नाम क्वींस नेकलेस को सार्थक करने लगी है .

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What is the meaning of फटाफट in Hindi and how to explain fetaafet in Hindi? फटाफट Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.