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ढलाऊ meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ dhelaaoo ]  sound:  
विशेषण ढलाऊ

जिसमें ढाल हो:"ढलवाँ जमीन पर पानी नहीं ठहरता"
Synonyms: ढलवाँ, ढलुवाँ, ढालवाँ, ढालू, ढलुआ, उतारू, ढरारा, ढालुआँ, आपाती, प्रवण, सलामी,

What is the meaning of ढलाऊ in Hindi and how to explain dhelaaoo in Hindi? ढलाऊ Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.