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yet meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ jet ]  sound:  
yet sentence in Hindi
1.We may be moving into yet another economic form
तो हम शायद बढ रहे हैं एक ऐसी नयी अर्थ-व्यवस्था की ओर

2.Because we don't think there were humans yet.
क्योंकि हमें नहीं लगता कि उस समय तक मनुष्य आए होंगे.

3.Again, an idea which is arrived, but not yet implemented.
फिर से, एक विचार जो आ गया है मगर लागु नहीं हुआ है.

4.Yet the Emerald Tablet is still alive today . ”
इस सबके बावूजद नगीने की वह इबारत आज भी मौजूद है । ”

5.Console for device type '%s' not yet supported
कंसोल के लिए युक्ति प्रकार '%s' अभी तक समर्थित नहीं है

6.And yet the rich were the most respected in society .
तब भी समाज में धनवानों की सर्वाधिक प्रतिष्ठा थी .

7.He knew it and yet was hurt by public criticism .
वे इस बात को जानते थे और लोगों की आलोचना से आहत थे .

8.And yet I stand firmly with the optimists
और इसके बावज़ूद, मै दृढता से आशावादियों के साथ खडी हूँ

9.He sat down yet again with still a paragraph to go .
एक पैराग्राफ पढेना अभी बाकी था कि वे दोबारा बै गए .

10.Nothing , Esther darling , nothing ' s happening yet .
' एस्थर बिटिया , कुछ भी नहीं … मामला क्या होगा ? '

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to a greater degree or extent; used with comparisons; "looked sick and felt even worse"; "an even (or still) more interesting problem"; "still another problem must be solved"; "a yet sadder tale"
Synonyms: even, still, even, still,

despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession); "although I''m a little afraid, however I''d like to try it"; "while we disliked each other, nevertheless we agreed"; "he was a stern yet fair master"; "granted that it is dangerous, all the same I still want to go"
Synonyms: however, nevertheless, withal, still, all the same, even so, nonetheless, notwithstanding, however, nevertheless, withal, still, all the same, even so, nonetheless, notwithstanding,

up to the present time; "I have yet to see the results"; "details are yet to be worked out"

used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time; "So far he hasn''t called"; "the sun isn''t up yet"
Synonyms: so far, thus far, up to now, hitherto, heretofore, as yet, til now, until now, so far, thus far, up to now, hitherto, heretofore, as yet, til now, until now,

used after a superlative; "this is the best so far"; "the largest drug bust yet"
Synonyms: so far, so far,

within an indefinite time or at an unspecified future time; "he longed for the flowers that were yet to show themselves"; "sooner or later you will have to face the facts"; "in time they came to accept the harsh reality"
Synonyms: in time, in time,

to a greater degree or extent; used with comparisons; "looked sick and felt even worse"; "an even (or still) more interesting problem"; "still another problem must be solved"; "a yet sadder tale"
Synonyms: even, still, even, still,

despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession); "although I''m a little afraid, however I''d like to try it"; "while we disliked each other, nevertheless we agreed"; "he was a stern yet fair master"; "granted that it is dangerous, all the same I still want to go"
Synonyms: however, nevertheless, withal, still, all the same, even so, nonetheless, notwithstanding, however, nevertheless, withal, still, all the same, even so, nonetheless, notwithstanding,

up to the present time; "I have yet to see the results"; "details are yet to be worked out"

used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time; "So far he hasn''t called"; "the sun isn''t up yet"
Synonyms: so far, thus far, up to now, hitherto, heretofore, as yet, til now, until now, so far, thus far, up to now, hitherto, heretofore, as yet, til now, until now,

used after a superlative; "this is the best so far"; "the largest drug bust yet"
Synonyms: so far, so far,

within an indefinite time or at an unspecified future time; "he longed for the flowers that were yet to show themselves"; "sooner or later you will have to face the facts"; "in time they came to accept the harsh reality"
Synonyms: in time, in time,

How to say yet in Hindi and what is the meaning of yet in Hindi? yet Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.