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English-Hindi > well-behaved

well-behaved meaning in Hindi

well-behaved sentence in Hindi
1.Ordinarily , Roy was a well-behaved prisoner .
सामान्यतया राय एक सुशील कैदी थे .

2.Now both well-behaved youngsters are favourites with the orphanage 's staff .
अब यह भोलभाल जोड़ अनाथालय के कर्मचारियों का प्रिय बन गया है .

3.English crowds , on the other hand , are extremely polite , very quiet and very well-behaved .
इंग़्लैंड के क्रिकेट-प्रेमी लोग बहुत ही शांत और सभ्य हैं .

4.Try to keep your pets out of the kitchen, however well-behaved they may be. They may inadvertently spread infection.
विशेषकर जिन सतहों पर आप भोजन तैयार करते हैं, उन स्थानों से पालतु पशुओं को काफी दूर रखें।

5.For I am supposed to be a well-behaved prisoner , a reputation which I have certainly done nothing to deserve .
यह इसलिए कि मैं नेक चाल-चलन वाला कैदी समझा गया हूं , हालांकि इस नेकनामी के लिए मैंने बेशक कुछ नहीं किया है .

(usually of children) someone who behaves in a manner that the speaker believes is correct; "a well-behaved child"
Synonyms: well behaved,

How to say well-behaved in Hindi and what is the meaning of well-behaved in Hindi? well-behaved Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.