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English-Hindi > waylaid

waylaid meaning in Hindi

waylaid sentence in Hindi
1.The countries'sporting ties often have been waylaid by politics.

2.He was waylaid by pirates on this and several subsequent voyages.

3.But he was waylaid by the need to lobby for crime legislation.

4.Ayers waylaid a mail van at one point and hopped on board.

5.And everyone in the cast seems to have been waylaid by hairdressers.

6."I won't be waylaid by politics ."

7.Joe and I once got waylaid by a family visiting from Mexico.

8.We got beat badly, handily, waylaid and parlayed.

9.Sometimes they're waylaid by the bad examples of their parents.

10.I simply didn't want to be waylaid ."

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How to say waylaid in Hindi and what is the meaning of waylaid in Hindi? waylaid Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.