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English-Hindi > waterworks

waterworks meaning in Hindi

noun plural: waterworks   
waterworks sentence in Hindi
1.Dallas, $ 62 million of waterworks and sewer revenue bonds.

2.The problem came with making the elephant part of the waterworks.

3.Meanwhile, Selangor Waterworks Department's senior assistant director V.

4.Now, Selangor Waterworks Department has its back to the wall.

5.They must personally communicate all water problems to the waterworks department,

6.Waterworks Department Director Che Mohamad Che Jusoh was quoted as saying.

7.Waterworks to hold daily briefings, NEW STRAITS TIMES-MANAGEMENT TIMES

8.The groundwater is treated in 11 waterworks spread throughout the city.

9."Say you're a waterworks engineer,"

10.The lime principally supplied for waterworks, gas works and tanneries.

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workplace where water is stored and purified and distributed for a community

a public utility that provides water
Synonyms: water company,

How to say waterworks in Hindi and what is the meaning of waterworks in Hindi? waterworks Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.