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English-Hindi > unprepossessing

unprepossessing meaning in Hindi

unprepossessing sentence in Hindi
1.Off ice, he blends with the scenery in an unprepossessing way.

2.It'sas unprepossessing as you'd want a band to be.

3.Beheld, the man is slightly rumpled and unprepossessing.

4.He wears a power suit, but is unprepossessing.

5.Mercedes grew up to be a serious young woman, shy and unprepossessing.

6.Throughout the years reporters remarked on his unprepossessing appearance.

7.But it suits Campbell, an unprepossessing man.

8.Simply as software, " Stock Shop " is unprepossessing at best.

9.They are as unprepossessing a pair as has ever appeared in a television romance.

10.On the page, this music looks unprepossessing.

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creating an unfavorable or neutral first impression
Synonyms: unpresentable,

How to say unprepossessing in Hindi and what is the meaning of unprepossessing in Hindi? unprepossessing Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.