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unfeeling meaning in Hindi

unfeeling sentence in Hindi
1._" I think your article was uncaring and unfeeling.

2.An unfeeling Karna asks Douglas to repair something in her apartment.

3.The vital energy makes her lose control finally and becomes unfeeling.

4.It means they are just as unfeeling as the sellers.

5.Or a deeply felt allegory of innocence betrayed by an unfeeling world?

6.Justin comes across as a parody of the arrogant, unfeeling scientist.

7.He seemed to know this made him appear unfeeling and he apologized.

8.We would have accused them of being insensitive and unfeeling.

9.And both brother and sister encountered some unfeeling teachers, Leinung said.

10.This is capitalism _ the cold, unfeeling hand of the marketplace.

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devoid of feeling or sensation; "unfeeling trees"

devoid of feeling for others; "an unfeeling wretch"
Synonyms: hardhearted, stonyhearted,

How to say unfeeling in Hindi and what is the meaning of unfeeling in Hindi? unfeeling Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.