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English-Hindi > unbelieving

unbelieving meaning in Hindi

unbelieving sentence in Hindi
1."People are just unbelieving, " he says.

2.Vinny Pazienza heard the news with unbelieving ears, like everyone else.

3.Unbelieving, the welfare statists pretended they never even heard.

4.Anne Heche is the proposed saint's unbelieving daughter.

5."People were unbelieving at first, " he said.

6.The faithful and the unbelieving are fated to be separate for ever.

7.That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable ."

8.As such, unbelieving worldviews always reduce to unintelligible nonsense.

9."It's unbelievable, " an unbelieving Brown said.

10.ALBANY, N . Y . _ We are still numb, unbelieving.

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denying or questioning the tenets of especially a religion; "a skeptical approach to the nature of miracles"
Synonyms: disbelieving, skeptical, sceptical,

holding that only material phenomena can be known and knowledge of spiritual matters or ultimate causes is impossible
Synonyms: nescient,

rejecting any belief in gods
Synonyms: atheistic, atheistical,

How to say unbelieving in Hindi and what is the meaning of unbelieving in Hindi? unbelieving Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.