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triode meaning in Hindi

triode sentence in Hindi
1.In 1901, Reginald Fessenden demonstrated a triode vacuum tube oscillator.

2.The DM160 is thus the smallest VFD and smallest triode valve.

3.It was the vacuum triode that made practical radio broadcasts a reality.

4.Several amateurs have experimented with the possibilities of using VFDs as triodes.

5.Valve preamplifiers use triodes or low-noise pentodes ( EF86 ).

6.Two triodes with the cathodes coupled together to form a differential pair.

7.The Barkhausen Kurz tube was a triode operated with the plate ).

8.The wide-band regenerative receiver used an RCA 955 acorn triode.

9.At fields around this point, the device operates similar to a triode.

10.A typical example, the 6AG11, contained two triodes and two diodes.

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a thermionic vacuum tube having three electrodes; fluctuations of the charge on the grid control the flow from cathode to anode which makes amplification possible

How to say triode in Hindi and what is the meaning of triode in Hindi? triode Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.