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translocate meaning in Hindi

translocate sentence in Hindi
1.During prophase, annexin XI will translocate to the nuclear envelope.

2.HeLa cells translocate Ang to the nucleus independent of cell density.

3.Most seabirds are strongly philopatric, so translocating chicks is difficult.

4.In 1986 a further 15 animals were translocated to the park.

5.By 1968 there was evidence that the translocated bears were reproducing.

6.Mvp2 was shown to translocate 1 H + per pyrophosphate hydrolyzed.

7.Also, proteins targeted for the nucleus are translocated post-translation.

8.The translocated birds did not settle in a new territory.

9.SR proteins can translocate into the nucleus after the serines are phosphorylated.

10.As leaching progresses, the salts and sodium ions are translocated downward.

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move from one place to another, especially of wild animals; "The endangered turtles were translocated to a safe environment"

transfer (a chromosomal segment) to a new position

How to say translocate in Hindi and what is the meaning of translocate in Hindi? translocate Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.