1. A greater amount of plagioclase would designate the rock as tonalite . 2. The Federal Golf Course Tonalite introduces some veins and saccharoidal galena. 3. These basalts were intruded by a tonalite pluton shortly after their eruption. 4. In older references tonalite is sometimes used as a synonym for quartz diorite. 5. This intrusion is known as Federal Golf Course Tonalite . 6. Most of the mineral deposits are close to the tonalite -schist contact. 7. They are like rocks called TTG ( Tonalite -Trondhjemite-Granodiorite ). 8. The mountain made of Cretaceous Orthogneiss, and Tonalite . 9. Minerals in the tonalite are quartz, plagioclase, alkali feldspar and hornblende. 10. Granodiorite, tonalite and diorite are most common intrusive rocks found in continental arcs.