English-Hindi > throughout
throughout meaning in Hindi
pronunciation: [ θru(:)'aut ] sound : throughout sentence in Hindi
Examples 1. Masses flock to markets throughout the day. इस दिन बाज़ारों में चारों तरफ़ जनसमूह उमड़ पड़ता है। 2. Pakistan is engaged in destabilisation throughout India . पाकिस्तान भारत में अशांति फैलने में लिप्त है . 3. This pledge he kept throughout his life . इस प्रति&आ को उनऋ-ऊण्श्छ्ष्-होंने जीवन भर निभाया . 4. Service your boiler once a year so it runs smoothly and safely throughout the year. समझदारी से हीटिंग इस्तेमाल करना 5. Throughout the entire day we will be on the lookout for our enemies . पूरा दिन हम शत्रओं की ताक में रहेंगे ।6. We like to be productive throughout the entire travel chain, हम पूरे यात्रा की श्रृंखला में उत्पादक होना चाहते 7. Therefore, there should be justice throughout the world. इसलिए, संपूर्ण संसार में न्याय होना चाहिए. 8. Or, if you want to paint, you can paint it blue throughout या, यदि आप रंग भरना चाहें, तो आप सारा नीला भर सकते हैं 9. The British military carried on an orgy of repression throughout Bengal . बंगाल भर में ब्रिटिश सेना का दमनचक्र चलता रहा . 10. To draw water from those structures throughout the year. उन प्रतिमाओं से पानी ले पाते हैं, साल भर।
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How to say throughout in Hindi and what is the meaning of throughout in Hindi? throughout Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.