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technocracy meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ tek'nɔkrəsi ]  sound:  
noun plural: technocracies   
technocracy sentence in Hindi
1.Daniel Bell sees an affinity between Veblen and the Technocracy movement.

2.Many books have discussed the rise and decline of the technocracy movement.

3.I've done some research into an old group called Technocracy.

4.This editor was already editing briefly on the technocracy articles.

5.This also cut the Technocracy off from their leadership.

6.By the mid-1930s, interest in the technocracy movement was declining.

7.The Technocracy has dealt with this problem by organizing a special Explorer Corps.

8.Festina Ramos is an Explorer, assigned to the Technocracy Fleet ship Jacaranda.

9.He also opened the way to the study of technocracy in international politics.

10.Specifically, he delineates an offshoot of Technocracy society that calls itself Unity.

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a form of government in which scientists and technical experts are in control; "technocracy was described as that society in which those who govern justify themselves by appeal to technical experts who justify themselves by appeal to scientific forms of knowledge"

How to say technocracy in Hindi and what is the meaning of technocracy in Hindi? technocracy Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.