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English-Hindi > tappings

tappings meaning in Hindi

tappings sentence in Hindi
1.It came to market tapping a solid niche, reverse mortgages.

2.Michel said over loud, prolonged applause, tapping the gavel.

3.I got thrown out of school for tapping on the desk.

4.Tapping into unspoken desires or hidden feelings is a Starck specialty.

5.It's just a question of tapping it ."

6.If not, a little more tapping will get them off.

7.The number of people tapping into computer networks is growing rapidly.

8.The series is tapping into a new bluntness about race relations.

9.Tapping the frame back into a square position might be enough.

10.Now I'm sitting alone, tapping out this epistle,

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How to say tappings in Hindi and what is the meaning of tappings in Hindi? tappings Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.