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synecology meaning in Hindi

synecology sentence in Hindi
1.This remains a key term in synecology ( community ecology ).

2.He introduced the concept of " autecology " to explain the relationship of an individual plant with its external environment, and " synecology " to express relationships between plant communities and external influences.

3.He received his B . A . ( Dartmouth college and Ph . D . from Harvard University in biological anthropology for a thesis entitled,  Distribution, Synecology, and Conservation of Suriname Monkeys in 1977.

4."' Community ecology "'or "'synecology "'is the study of the interactions between species in communities on many spatial and temporal scales, including the distribution, structure, abundance, demography, and succession, and community assembly.

How to say synecology in Hindi and what is the meaning of synecology in Hindi? synecology Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.