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sustainabilities meaning in Hindi

sustainabilities sentence in Hindi
1.Sustainability is something we give a great deal of attention to.

2."Now we're talking about sustainability ."

3.But others are more skeptical about the sustainability of the boom.

4.These gains have obviously raised questions of sustainability . . ..

5."The issue is sustainability, " he said.

6.Even if it does, the key is sustainability and credibility.

7.We share the concerns of the market about sustainability of earnings.

8.What people are concerned about is the sustainability of those revenues.

9.It was pro-development, without any regard for sustainability.

10.What will you do to ensure the sustainability of those profits?

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How to say sustainabilities in Hindi and what is the meaning of sustainabilities in Hindi? sustainabilities Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.