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English-Hindi > sunstrokes

sunstrokes meaning in Hindi

sunstrokes sentence in Hindi
1."You're going to have sunstroke ."

2.Immersing the hand in cold water stops nosebleeds and treats sunstroke.

3.On Wednesday 90 people died, most of them from sunstroke.

4.Abu Musa ( 5 ) of Kushtia was killed by sunstroke.

5.Most of the deaths are the result of dehydration or sunstroke.

6.On reaching Chile, Masefield suffered from sunstroke and was hospitalised.

7.She had a sunstroke in July 1918 and never fully recovered.

8.In effect, the lenses get a bit of sunstroke.

9.He collapsed from sunstroke and heart trouble and died the next day.

10.Heatstroke and sunstroke have claimed a record number of victims this year.

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How to say sunstrokes in Hindi and what is the meaning of sunstrokes in Hindi? sunstrokes Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.