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suborbicular meaning in Hindi

suborbicular sentence in Hindi
1.The lamina is suborbicular and has a diameter of about one millimetre.

2.They are suborbicular glands are concentrated around these veins.

3.Its pronotum is suborbicular ( nearly round ), widest near the base.

4.The primary tentacles ( anchors ) may range in appearance from orbicular to suborbicular.

5.The suborbicular to obovoid, laterally compressed fruit ( utricle ) is nearly equal in length to perianth and falls at maturity.

6.Leaves sparse, semi-persistent, paripinnate, with 1-4 pairs of oval to suborbicular leaflets, 3.5 6 mm wide.

7.Leaves alternate, compound, imparipinnate, leaflets ovoid to suborbicular 10-40 x 5-30 mm with characteristic bronze venetation ( hence venosa ), hairy only along margins.

8.The inland plants have more slender pitchers which are ellipsoid in the lower half and cylindrical in the upper ( not infundibuliform ), with an elliptic ( not a suborbicular ) lid.

9.The upper lobes are 6.5 10 millimeters ( ? \ ! in . ) long by 7 10.5 millimeters ( ? \ ! in . ) wide and generally obovate to suborbicular.

10.It is a shrub that grows to 2 3 m in height, with leathery leaves that are suborbicular or ovate-elliptic to oblong-elliptic, 4 8.5 by 2.5 4 cm in size.

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How to say suborbicular in Hindi and what is the meaning of suborbicular in Hindi? suborbicular Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.