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subglobose meaning in Hindi

subglobose sentence in Hindi
1.Fruit is subglobose, rusty-brown, up to long.

2.Later it forms viscid subglobose hairy glandular fruit that is long.

3.The vesicles are subglobose with a diameter of 10 16 ?m.

4.The fruit is subglobose, 7 cm diameter, green maturing black.

5.The fruit is subglobose to ellipsoid and about 4 centimeters in diameter.

6.The subglobose seed inside is 12-16 millimeters long.

7.The flowers mature into globose to subglobose, loculicidal fruits.

8.The purplish-black fruit is an ovate, ellipsoidal or subglobose drupe.

9.The fruit is subglobose, 5 8 mm diameter.

10.The telson is subglobose with a flat dorsal surface.

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How to say subglobose in Hindi and what is the meaning of subglobose in Hindi? subglobose Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.