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straggler meaning in Hindi

straggler sentence in Hindi
1.I have stragglers who are in their first year of college,

2.Some stragglers wandered in eventually, but the crowd remained small.

3.Tomey recalls a lunch for two : Himself and a straggler.

4.A House page dashes down the hallway, rounding up stragglers.

5.Jones used to be one of the stragglers, Guillen said.

6.They starved, and stragglers were eaten by lions and crocodiles.

7.Both were stragglers Sunday; Raich finished 13th, Maier 15th.

8.But Somasuntharam said guerrillas went house to house to find stragglers.

9.Young ethnic North Africans joined in, beating up English stragglers.

10.Bands of northern alliance troops roam city, searching for stragglers.

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someone who strays or falls behind
Synonyms: strayer,

How to say straggler in Hindi and what is the meaning of straggler in Hindi? straggler Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.