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stirrer meaning in Hindi

stirrer sentence in Hindi
1.Can a coffee stirrer of her own be very far behind?

2.:: Chemistry-lab glass stirrers are typically thinnish rods.

3.The Soul Stirrers'a cappella harmonies are deeply satisfying.

4.:I've decided to guess that they are cocktail stirrers.

5.The closed bag and the stirrer are pre-sterilized.

6.By the early 1940s the Soul Stirrers were nationally known and toured extensively.

7.He left the Soul Stirrers in 1950, to be replaced by Cooke.

8.The obituary also misspelled the surnames of two members of the Soul Stirrers.

9.The Soul Stirrer's nationwide touring gained them an even larger audience.

10.I'm a dedicated, if quiet, crap-stirrer myself.

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an implement used for stirring

a person who spreads frightening rumors and stirs up trouble
Synonyms: scaremonger,

How to say stirrer in Hindi and what is the meaning of stirrer in Hindi? stirrer Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.