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sprains meaning in Hindi

sprains sentence in Hindi
1.The early prognosis : a severe sprain to the right knee.

2.So was Kevin Todd ( ankle sprain ) . . ..

3."They're calling it a sprain,"

4.There are back treatments, lingering sprains, lingering court depositions.

5.Time has dulled the pain, mended the breaks and sprains.

6.Kickoff returner Hodges Mitchell ( knee sprain ) is also questionable.

7.LaFrentz, who shoots left handed, has a shoulder sprain.

8.Also, rookie Elijah Williams has been slowed by ankle sprains.

9.Runners won't trip or sprain or break an ankle.

10.Tailback Gerald Green's left-shoulder sprain has improved.

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How to say sprains in Hindi and what is the meaning of sprains in Hindi? sprains Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.