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specks meaning in Hindi

specks sentence in Hindi
1.Gooding said even a speck of dust can ruin the material.

2.Speck said that merging two hospitals could result in great savings.

3.On the tape, Speck snorts what appears to be cocaine.

4.The specks comprised 10 colored stripes, including a fluorescent layer.

5.Even the tiniest speck of time is gold to a bobsledder.

6.Not a speck of dream-factory fluff in the lot.

7.A speck that is invisible by the end of the race.

8.Paradise Island is no longer the untrammeled speck that beguiled him.

9.Eventually, Wolfe spied some white specks on a small butte.

10.That one came through 37 degrees without a speck of damage,

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How to say specks in Hindi and what is the meaning of specks in Hindi? specks Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.