Most do not permit solemnisation of marriage by the master of a ship at sea.
This strict conditions must be met for the solemnisation of the marriage called the Nikah.
A federal Marriage Act was passed in 1961 which set uniform Australia-wide rules for recognition and solemnisation of marriages.
Marriage requires a payment by the husband to the wife, called Meher, and the solemnisation of a marital contract in a social gathering.
After the church moved back from the 1870 building into the original chapel, it was registered for the solemnisation of marriages in June 1976.
On 3 December 2014, the Dutch Church in London received confirmation that the Church is registered for the solemnisation of marriages of same sex couples.
A " meeting for worship for the solemnisation of marriage " in an unprogrammed Friends meeting is similar to any other unprogrammed Meeting for Worship.
This includes a list of 29, 607 records, with addresses and whether they are registered for the solemnisation of marriages ( opposite and single sex ).
The bill would also allow religious bodies and organisations scope to refuse to provide goods and services " reasonably incidental " to the solemnisation of a same-sex marriage.
The Christchurch Botanic Gardens are botanical gardens founded in 1863, when on 9 July an English oak was planted to commemorate the solemnisation of marriage between Princess Alexandra of Denmark.
the public performance of a sacrament or solemn ceremony with all appropriate ritual; "the celebration of marriage" Synonyms: celebration, solemnization,
How to say solemnisation in Hindi and what is the meaning of solemnisation in Hindi? solemnisation Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by