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snore meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ snɔ:, snɔə ]  sound:  
verb past tense: snored   verb past participle: snored   noun plural: snores   verb present participle: snoring   
snore sentence in Hindi
1.Obesity encourages snoring, as does anything which promotes deepest sleep.

2.It isn't the first time he's snored.

3.My husband rarely snored at all until about a year ago.

4.Snoring is caused by anything that hinders breathing through the nose.

5.They poke so-and-so to stop the snoring.

6.Means : " With a minor in snoring ."

7.In the theater seat, the guy across the aisle snored.

8.Now and then, he is shaken by a loud snore.

9.Some snorers wake up at the end of very large snores.

10.I guess that's one way to stop the snoring.

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the act of snoring or producing a snoring sound
Synonyms: snoring, stertor,

the rattling noise produced when snoring

breathe noisily during one''s sleep; "she complained that her husband snores"
Synonyms: saw wood, saw logs,

How to say snore in Hindi and what is the meaning of snore in Hindi? snore Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.