English-Hindi > snore
snore meaning in Hindi
pronunciation: [ snɔ:, snɔə ] sound : verb past tense: snored verb past participle: snored noun plural: snores verb present participle: snoring
snore sentence in Hindi
Examples 1. Obesity encourages snoring , as does anything which promotes deepest sleep. 2. It isn't the first time he's snored . 3. My husband rarely snored at all until about a year ago. 4. Snoring is caused by anything that hinders breathing through the nose.5. They poke so-and-so to stop the snoring . 6. Means : " With a minor in snoring ." 7. In the theater seat, the guy across the aisle snored . 8. Now and then, he is shaken by a loud snore . 9. Some snorers wake up at the end of very large snores . 10. I guess that's one way to stop the snoring .
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Meaning the act of snoring or producing a snoring sound Synonyms: snoring , stertor , the rattling noise produced when snoring
breathe noisily during one''s sleep; "she complained that her husband snores" Synonyms: saw wood , saw logs ,
How to say snore in Hindi and what is the meaning of snore in Hindi? snore Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.