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slaver meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'sleivə ]  sound:  
verb past tense: slavered   verb past participle: slavered   verb present participle: slavering   
slaver sentence in Hindi
1.The slavers and the enslaved are certainly gone from the scene.

2.Some senators virtually slaver to play a role in a trial.

3.One ape, a slaver, sells humans into demeaning situations.

4.Raistlin told Usha that her parents were captured by Minotaur slavers.

5.Slavery could only be stopped by military opposition to the slavers.

6.British naval vessels were given the right to search suspected slavers.

7.After the war she served off Africa and captured some slavers.

8.They move on, only to find slavers excavating another bunker.

9.I was ashamed of myself, like I was a white slaver.

10.The area is known in the books as Slaver's Bay.

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someone who holds slaves
Synonyms: slaveholder, slave owner,

a person engaged in slave trade
Synonyms: slave dealer, slave trader,

let saliva drivel from the mouth; "The baby drooled"
Synonyms: drivel, drool, slabber, slobber, dribble,

How to say slaver in Hindi and what is the meaning of slaver in Hindi? slaver Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.