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slat meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ slæt ]  sound:  
slat sentence in Hindi
1.Eleven slats form the seat and back of a companion chair.

2.The slats again horizontal but were fewer in number and thicker.

3.Similar, but retractable, leading edge devices are called slats.

4.Bullets, however, stop dead in the thinnest wood slat.

5.Both wings also had leading edge slats along their full length.

6.In some cases wooden slats are used instead of sail cloth.

7.The ATOM can be equipped with reactive armor and slat armor.

8.And the killer starts smashing away the slats to get to her?

9.Use slats to re-cover patio tables if necessary.

10.While sitting down and sledding, the slats and seat are rigid.

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a thin strip (wood or metal)
Synonyms: spline,

close the slats of (windows)

equip or bar with slats; "Slat the windows"

How to say slat in Hindi and what is the meaning of slat in Hindi? slat Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.