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English-Hindi > skip

skip meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ skip ]  sound:  
skip sentence in Hindi
1.Press ESCAPE to skip (Non-official builds only).
छोड़ने के लिए ESCAPE दबाएं (केवल गैर-आधिकारिक बिल्ड).

2.Failed to skip the next %d byte with seek().
(तलाश) के साथ अगले %d बाइट स्किप करने में विफल.

3.Skip sign-in and browse as Guest
साइन-इन छोड़ें और अतिथि के रूप में ब्राउज़ करें

4.Skip syncing encrypted data?
एन्क्रिप्ट किए गए डेटा को सिंक करना छोड़ें?

5.If your system does not have a VGA port, please skip this test.
यदि आपके तंत्र में वीजीए पोर्ट नहीं है तो इस जाँच को छोड़ दें.

6.Calculating files to skip copying...
फाइलों प्रतिलिपि छोड़ने हेतु गणना...

7.I did resist the temptation to skip to the back
मैं इस लालच से बचती रही कि अंत के

8.If you already have the correct file, you can skip this step.
यदि आप के पास पहले से ही सही फ़ाइल है, तो आप इस चरण को छोड़ सकते हैं.

9.Binding to skip to previous track.
पिछला ट्रैक छोड़ने के लिए बाइंडिंग.

10.I'll just skip through the video instead ...
मैं वीडियो को ही छोड़ देता हूँ ...

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a mistake resulting from neglect
Synonyms: omission,

a gait in which steps and hops alternate

bypass; "He skipped a row in the text and so the sentence was incomprehensible"
Synonyms: jump, pass over, skip over,

cause to skip over a surface; "Skip a stone across the pond"
Synonyms: skim, skitter,

bound off one point after another
Synonyms: bound off,

jump lightly
Synonyms: hop, hop-skip,

leave suddenly; "She persuaded him to decamp"; "skip town"
Synonyms: decamp, vamoose,

intentionally fail to attend; "cut class"
Synonyms: cut,

How to say skip in Hindi and what is the meaning of skip in Hindi? skip Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.