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simplifying meaning in Hindi

simplifying sentence in Hindi
1.Except that baseball's bosses are incapable of simplifying anything.

2.The aim is to reduce tax evasion by simplifying the system.

3.Many manufacturers are now simplifying their pricing and numbers of models.

4.Ghosn is also focusing on simplifying Nissan's platform strategy.

5.When life needs simplifying, I pull it out and read.

6."It's called simplifying your life,"

7.Women who hate shopping will love Lucky for simplifying their lives.

8.Myers says, stressing an environmentalist approach to simplifying the holidays.

9.He gives the green light for shortcuts and for simplifying preparation.

10.And the imperative of simplifying everything can get sort of silly.

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How to say simplifying in Hindi and what is the meaning of simplifying in Hindi? simplifying Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.