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English-Hindi > sickened

sickened meaning in Hindi

sickened sentence in Hindi
1.A visit to a back-alley abortion mill sickened her.

2.Eleven people were killed and thousands sickened in the subway gassing.

3.Her cattle have been sickened by drinking oil-tainted water.

4.They're still sickened by the fall of'94.

5."I'm sickened by what happened,"

6.The tape sickened all Israel _ including members of the Cabinet.

7.I know Yugoslav soldiers who have been sickened by these crimes.

8.That might not be too enticing for people who were sickened.

9.Toledo was sickened by the ending, but happy for Brown.

10.In Europe, Coke drinkers were sickened in a contamination scare.

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How to say sickened in Hindi and what is the meaning of sickened in Hindi? sickened Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.