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English-Hindi > shucking

shucking meaning in Hindi

shucking sentence in Hindi
1.A vintage shucking machine from the late 1920s handles step one.

2.The first thing to consider is the shucking of the bivalves.

3.Opening or " shucking " oysters has become a competitive sport.

4.Don't expect to get by just by shucking ."

5.The Slikas family practice for shucking most closely follows the hinge method.

6.Shucking their outerwear, they lined up and inhaled deeply.

7.The only real trick to making these dishes is shucking the oysters.

8."It's like shucking oysters,"

9.One of the more challenging events is Saturday's shucking contest.

10.He found himself shucking oysters, carving lamb, and making soup.

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How to say shucking in Hindi and what is the meaning of shucking in Hindi? shucking Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.