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English-Hindi > shaming

shaming meaning in Hindi

shaming sentence in Hindi
1.Certainly, there was no shame dropping that kind of game.

2.It would be a shame for the community to lose it.

3.He calls it his " Wall of Shame ."

4."It's a real big shame ."

5.Shame may be one of the biggest obstacles workers must overcome.

6.But the painful Somalia experience warrants tempered pride, not shame.

7.It's a shame what's happening ."

8.THE OWNER : Erasing the Shame Of a Brother's Debt

9.Shame on you, shame on you for thinking that way!

10.Shame on you, shame on you for thinking that way!

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How to say shaming in Hindi and what is the meaning of shaming in Hindi? shaming Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.