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several meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'sevərəl ]  sound:  
several sentence in Hindi
1.And this happens several thousand times each year.
और ये पूरी प्रक्रिया साल मे कई हज़ार बाद होती है ।

2.He has established several feats in batting.
वे बल्लेबाजी में कई कीर्तिमान स्थापित कर चुके हैं।

3.Several solutions to the disposal problem have been proposed .
निपटान की समस्या के लिए अनेक हल सुझाए गये हैं .

4.Several temples have lakhs of pilgrims every year.
कई मन्दिरों में हर साल लाखों तीर्थयात्री आते हैं।

5.When the Arti is performed in the temple , several goats are sacrificed .
भगवती की आरती में कई बकरे भेंट किए जाते है .

6.When the Arti is performed in the temple , several goats are sacrificed .
भगवती की आरती में कई बकरे भेंट किए जाते है .

7.several minutes before the US Geological Survey
इस से कुछ मिनिट पहले अमेरिकी भूवैज्ञानिक सर्वेक्षण

8.Akbar made several changes in the currencies of his time.
अकबर ने अपने काल की मुद्राओ में कई बदलाव किए।

9.It may take several weeks or months of heavy, regular use to become physically addicted. Injecting
असामान्य रूप से गुस्सेवर होना।

10.There are several species of blister beetles in our country .
हमारे देश में फफोला भृंगों की अनेक जातियां हैं .

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considered individually; "the respective club members"; "specialists in their several fields"; "the various reports all agreed"
Synonyms: respective, various,

distinct and individual; "three several times"

(used with count nouns) of an indefinite number more than 2 or 3 but not many; "several letters came in the mail"; "several people were injured in the accident"

How to say several in Hindi and what is the meaning of several in Hindi? several Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.