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English-Hindi > unfeeling" sentence in Hindi

unfeeling in a sentence

31.How long before we become more like the people we are killing _ unfeeling,

32."I've been accused of being selfish and unfeeling,"

33.Unseen, unheard, unfeeling _ just the way a CIA man likes it.

34.But this unfeeling nature, these mocking ways.

35.I am not unfeeling, stupid or moronic.

36.She later regrets her decision when Yuan Hang becomes unfeeling so she kills herself.

37.They are unfeeling and distant towards their daughter.

38.Yes, you're callous and unfeeling because your turn may be coming next.

39."They were very uncaring and unfeeling about it, " he said.

40.The thrill is performing _ not turning in those performances that are unfeeling and mechanical.

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How to say unfeeling in Hindi and what is the meaning of unfeeling in Hindi? unfeeling Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.