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English-Hindi > tappings" sentence in Hindi

tappings in a sentence

31.Dosky said, tapping Bush's cutout on the shoulder.

32.The stab cut Gambill, who applauded by tapping his racket.

33.Tapping spider silk for commercial use, however, is problematic.

34.At first that meant tapping into a wellspring of hacker enthusiasm.

35.Microsoft got higher marks for tapping Sega to develop online games.

36.These songs shimmer and shine with toe-tapping sunny goodwill.

37.The bottom of my cake pan is scarred from previous tapping.

38.We were all kind of tapping Teddy at the same time.

39.Is she tapping on the counter with cooking utensils ? ).

40.We're tapping into a whole different audience ."

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How to say tappings in Hindi and what is the meaning of tappings in Hindi? tappings Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.