English-Hindi > shucking" sentence in Hindi
shucking in a sentence
Examples 21. But instead of shucking , we were wrapping presents in between our regular duties. 22. Tilden is evidently mentally unwell as he sits, shucking corn into a bucket. 23. Other helpers were shucking corn in there. 24. Shucking oysters is not rocket science, but it does call for a certain dexterity.25. Modern science has provided yet another shucking method, as easy as it is untraditional. 26. Michelle had a table of three men, and they did not understand shucking corn, 27. Shucking , plunging, boiling, scraping.28. The Cordova oyster shucking contest, ping pong tournament, and a survival suit race. 29. Three men are employed by Pepe's just for shucking the clams on location. 30. The chief interior spaces are arranged for receiving, shucking , processing and packing oysters.
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How to say shucking in Hindi and what is the meaning of shucking in Hindi? shucking Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.