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English-Hindi > nuttier" sentence in Hindi

nuttier in a sentence

21.Despite the zing of some nuttier moments, the lame plot keeps dragging the movie to the ground.

22.Steel-cut oats are described as being nuttier-flavoured and chewier than other types of oats.

23.Even nuttier is that by 1991, only 32 percent of the peanut quota was actually owned by farmers.

24.The more steam you take out of the cooked potatoes, the nuttier and creamier the puree will be,

25.The godfather's emotionally disturbed son has been nuttier than usual since his girlfriend ran off with another guy.

26.There is stuff nuttier than that on WP . talk ) 16 : 49, 25 November 2008 ( UTC)

27.The special-effects destruction gets bigger and nuttier, to the point where it develops a kind of surrealistic comic lunacy.

28.And though some friends thought the idea was " nuttier than a fruitcake, " their three daughters supported him.

29.Once people start turning into sausages fed to dogs that eventually turn back into people, the movie cartwheels into nuttier uncharted territory.

30.You've gotta be more hard-core than Luke Skywalker, sturdier than Chewbacca and probably nuttier than Jar Jar Binks.

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