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English-Hindi > nuttier

nuttier meaning in Hindi

nuttier sentence in Hindi
1.The politics of all of this couldn't be nuttier.

2.Toasting also caramelizes the starch for a sweeter, nuttier flavor.

3.OK, OK, so this sounds nuttier than most screenplays.

4.You can substitute brown rice for white for a nuttier flavor.

5.She started to yell and scream, getting a little nuttier.

6.The Jamal Anderson contract situation gets nuttier by the day.

7.Wrestling grows nuttier by the cablecast, and more popular.

8.Made with the Bhutanese red-rice flour they were nuttier still.

9.It has a rich and creamy flavor which gets nuttier with aging.

10.And what is even nuttier is that manager Joe Kerrigan agrees with Ramirez.

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How to say nuttier in Hindi and what is the meaning of nuttier in Hindi? nuttier Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.