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English-Hindi > straggler" sentence in Hindi

straggler in a sentence

11.Refugees and stragglers crowded into his boat and nearly capsized it.

12.Elphick also claims that Australians made up the majority of stragglers.

13.A few stragglers eventually rejoined the shattered remnants of the regiment.

14.Japan surrendered while the Australians were combing the jungle for stragglers.

15.Later that evening the stragglers caught up with the main group.

16.The Czechs were stragglers from the garrison of Carpatho-Ukraine.

17.Even so, the French horsemen scooped up hundreds of stragglers.

18.Arathorn then leads the remaining Rangers in pursuit of the stragglers.

19.There was no opposition, although one Japanese straggler was killed.

20.The Speed Twin was left to pick off the stragglers.

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How to say straggler in Hindi and what is the meaning of straggler in Hindi? straggler Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.