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English-Hindi > seagull

seagull meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'si:gʌl ]  sound:  
seagull sentence in Hindi
1.Walker, the Grumbleweed, likes to tell jokes about seagulls.

2.This time we're bringing seagulls with us ."

3.I knew we could fix it if Seagull would let us.

4."We are like seagulls, " he said.

5.He motors up beside a seagull picking at a rotted catfish.

6.Outside in the sun, seagulls were flying around, squawking.

7.-- June 15 : Flock of Seagulls, 14 Below.

8.No . 9 _ Pesky Puget Sound seagulls nowhere in sight.

9.Only one pelican and two seagulls are known to have died.

10.ATLANTIC CITY SEAGULLS _ Named Don Nelson general manager and coach.

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mostly white aquatic bird having long pointed wings and short legs
Synonyms: gull, sea gull,

How to say seagull in Hindi and what is the meaning of seagull in Hindi? seagull Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.