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scurrilously meaning in Hindi

scurrilously sentence in Hindi
1.From this exalted but scurrilously bananas moment, " A Dirty Shame " has nowhere to go but down.

2.The magazine's resident wild man is Joe Queenan, a scurrilously funny cynic who reduces every subject to a heap of ashes.

3.Nor does Ellroy _ who seems to be simultaneously inhabited by a courtly Oxford don and a scurrilously profane adolescent _ suffer fools gladly.

4.Selwyn Cudjoe, the Caribbean scholar who chairs Martin's own Africana Studies Department at Wellesley, called it " patently and scurrilously anti-Semitic ."

5.According to various satirical songs which scurrilously evoked her amours " the Lady of the Luxembourg " hid several pregnancies, shutting herself up from society when about to give birth.

6.During the period of his editorship he was scurrilously known as " Dr . Slop ", and was the subject of several satires, of which " A Slap at Slop " ( 1820 ) ran through four editions.

7."Issing's comments were doing the trick quite nicely and driving the dollar lower, when rumours there was an incident in the Taiwan Straits somewhat scurrilously turned it around, " said Malcolm Barr, an analyst at Chemical Bank.

8."A gallery that buys things from soldiers that have been in a country that's been occupied and had its Jewish population murdered or deported, either they are naive or acting scurrilously to just buy something without checking on it ."

9.In the late 18th century, the dance was performed to a fiddle tune called'Seann Triubhas Uilleachan'( Gaelic for'Willie's old trousers'), previously and more scurrilously called'The De'il Stick the Minister '.

10.Described as " the big one that got away, " the conservative press in Buffalo portrayed Ross as a Maoist and atheist who was " scurrilously critical of U . S . policies in Vietnam . " The media indicated that the government may have deliberately targeted him and other anti-war leaders.

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in a scurrilously manner; "one paper scurrilously described how Edward was neglecting a bereaved mother to dance attendance on Wally"

in a scurrilously manner; "one paper scurrilously described how Edward was neglecting a bereaved mother to dance attendance on Wally"

How to say scurrilously in Hindi and what is the meaning of scurrilously in Hindi? scurrilously Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.